Saturday, October 13, 2007

He demands It

My BSF teacher said something this past week that I think is worth consideration.

She said, "Knowing Jesus is King demands a response."

Since hearing that, I've been asking myself some questions(actually, I'm thinking of them as I write, so if I haven't been asking them, I am now) maybe you can ask yourself the same.

I have no stones in my hand here.

There is NO middle ground. None. If you know Jesus is King, then you are constantly responding to Him, one way or the other--He demands it.

Do I really love others well? Not just I say I do but certain things really get to me about that person or I only do because I feel obligated to type of love. I can fake actions, but I can't fake heart. He demands a response.

Do I really what to live out a life for Him? What does that mean? Am I uncomfortable? Because I'm pretty sure God doesn't want us to be comfortable. I'm pretty sure Paul wasn't comfortable while in prison. I'm pretty sure John the Baptist wasn't comfortable living on locust and honey. Comfort is Satan's plan--not Gods. If I am still in the same box, sitting with the same like minded people, not stretching myself to get out of it and meet the tax collectors of this world, then I'm pretty convinced I'm too comfortable. He demands a response.

Do I blame God or do I desire God? Am I living each day, with bitterness because I don't have the life like so and so. Am I tired and weary and taking that out on my family? Look--truth is, life is hard--it is messy. And I sure as I could name many names of those whose life looks better than mine, I could name more whose doesn't. Blaming God for my daily strife--my life-long strife--gets me only as far as that blame will take me. Desiring God--amidst it--well, that takes me to God. Who is bigger than me. Who can help me rise above it--or accept it--or understand it. He demands a response.

Am I really wanting love from God or seeking love from others to fulfill me? Don't get me wrong--having loving relationships is essential. I need it. And I struggle a lot with the feelings of failure in giving and failure in receiving love. But until I stop. Until I say He--He is enough--then it doesn't matter how loved or unloved I may feel by others. Bottom line--those who love me--really love me (like my hubby) will never be enough. And those who "don't" love like I'd hope they would, can not be a thermostat for me to live my life. I know this--so why do I go there? Who fulfills me? He demands a response.

I think I could continue, but it is way late and we have had a LONG week.

Whether you've known God is King for a long time--or are just beginning to understand what that means--remember (as I am trying to) that whatever you chose to do, is a response. Laziness, procrastination, non confrontation out of fear, staying safe, are still responses.

Let's be more real with one another--let's be more real with God. Knowing that Jesus is King demands a response.

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