Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Our 3 Gems

Kyra, Keagan, and Cayden.
It's usually this time of night when I can sit down and say, "Wow, my kids are cool." Then I go in their rooms and peak in on them and smile at their sweet sleeping faces. The rest of the 24 hours of our lives is full of movement, noise, and a lot of chaos. Much of those moments I feel like I'm just trying to not be the "mean mommy" or the "got to have it all together mommy." Instead I'm trying to remind myself to learn, play and experience joy as a family via the lens of a 1 1/2 , 2 1/2, and 41/2 year old. Mark and I are compelling each other in this direction, but sometimes we are like two rocks in an ocean who are trying to keep each other a float. I decided to start this fun little spot because I like many of the things it allows. I like to write (I'm much better via text than in front of your face), I like that I can keep better track of what our 3 gems are learning, saying, and doing, and I like that it offers an outlet for me to keep family and friends updated on our adventures so I don't have to feel guilty about not being better about that!Since moving to Arkansas has been a really hard and good type of experience, I liken it to my blog title, "A needle in a Haystack." It has, in many ways, been that for me. And as I remind myself to make a daily effort to find that needle in the haystack, I am finding that God always has one for me to find, and cherish. So, I hope too that this spot of mine(ours), will at times be that needle in the haystack for you too. If nothing else, at least you can see (0nce I figure out how to do all this) picture of our cuties!
Here's to blogging,


Joy said...

Hi Tiff!! What a beautiful blog. It is very nice to find a place to

Joy said...

oops, i didn't get to finish my sentence before it moved!! (this is Abbie by the way). As I was saying, this is a great place to share with family and friends. I am excited that you put it together. I hope that you are having a wonderful day. I am exhausted. My 25 students are ready for summer. :) I will talk to you soon!! Say hello from Paul and me to Mark and the kids!

Kerri said...

Yay! Welcome to the blogging world! =) It is a wonderful thing!

We need to get together soon....lots to catch up on! Kenzie was just talking about your 3 cuties yesterday. =) Talk to you soon!

Jennie said...

Hi Tiff! Hooray for your blog! I am looking forward to reading more so keep on writing. Maybe you'll inspire me to keep posting new things on mine. I am lost in the camp world for just a few more weeks. We have lost a few staff - tonight your name came up as a possible replacement. Want to find a home for your 3 little ones and join us at camp in a week and half? :) Well...maybe not...but join us through your prayers!
Sending love and hugs to Arkansas!
