Bobo came to visit this weekend--decided to make the trip on his motorcycle(which the kids call Bobocylces) despite the great chances of rain. Bobo gave us all rides(mini, safe, and slow rides) on his bike. Cayden, who we had to wake up from a nap so he could have his turn, decided to be cranky instead of cooperative, so his chance will have to wait. But, we had about a 45 minute break in constant heavy rains in which to get it done. We sure miss having grandparents close. Cayden, in fact, has been crying for Bobo for days since. He will wake up much too early in the morning crying for his Bobo. Yesterday, he said, "Bobo hold me," and started crying when I told him Bobo wasn't here. Nice to know you're missed I guess, but sometimes even though great, a weekend is not quite enough....
By the way, if any of you are wondering, you can eat a 64 piece tray of Chick-fil-a nuggets in a short amount of time with only about 3 people participating in the feast. Some might claim they ate about 30 of them himself, but that is simply not true. Whoever claims that decided to begin eating while the more selfless individual was getting meals and such ready for the small children involved in the matter!